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Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility 

Sunglo has long appreciated and implemented sustainable business practices.  We conduct our business in a socially responsible manner.  This includes our relationships with employees, vendors, customers and the community in which we live and work.


We are committed to investing the necessary time and resources to run a clean, safe and efficient company that employs sustainable practices and thinking in every aspect of our manufacturing, purchasing, shipping, building  operations  and maintenance.


We use environmentally friendly materials in our manufacturing process.  Sunglo prints with water based inks which are reused until depletion.  Our paper comes from managed forests and mills that are FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified.  Our vinyls are low VOC emitting with backings made from recycled product.  Waste is kept to a minimum, and reuse and recycling are practiced.


Sunglo constantly promotes and exercises environmental awareness and sustainable practices.  Sunglo strives to be a responsible corporate citizen.  We make a constant and ongoing effort to be a good employer and have a positive impact on the community.  We work efficiently with resources, reduce waste, partner with like-minded vendors and operate in an environmentally conscientious manner.

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